Dimitri Vojnov*1946, Ressen, Bulgaria> go to CV / Lebenslauf Please click on image to enlarge. < go back to top
1967 - 1972 Studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria.
1972 - 1981 selfemployed artist in the area of painting and graphics 1981 - 1985 Associate Professor for Painitng at the academy of Fine Arts, Sofia Since 1986 resident in Ruppertshain in his studio "Zauberberg" near Fankfurt/Main Dimitri Vojnov had always a strong interest for the great painters of art history and Renaissance, such as Piero della Francesca or Hans Holbein. He uses as a background coloring an intense cobalt blue that is a reference to the Renaissance period. Undoubtedly his work shows his long term classical academic education in painting which fascinates with provocative and erotic illustrations, which often are exaggerated in a grotesque way. In his paintings you will often find a bizarre spectacle with grotesquely distorted and burlesque scenes, where a shady and decadent world is created with an erotic touch. The works of Dimitri Vojnov also have a sociopolitical edge such as the painting "The Robbery of Europe", that symbolizes the political disunity of Europe. Dimitri Vojnov attracted public attention with his series "Paris Bar", that can be seen like a tour guide through the Berlin night life, where he interpreted the illustrious society of Berlin in an artistic way. The figures in his works are usually scarcely clothed or nude, whereas he skillfully transforms human skin on to canvas. Femininity is shown in many different poses. His feminine portraits are bizarre with exaggerated hairdresses, such as baguettes, a big red crab, hair like cherries or coffee cups and saucers. The symbolism in his paintings is difficult to interpret. The artist himself says that he paints out of imagination and tells stories with his paintings. Ladies with bandaged eyes, card games at the tips of toes, a voluminous broad with a gander between her legs - mostly the eyes of women are bandaged with a turban, rags or scarfs and one would ask, do they not want to see or are they not allowed to see? Vojnov explains in short that women have a great deal of sensitivity that even with covered senses they would feel and obtain knowledge of everything. Painting represents for Dimitri Vojnov a game, a theatre scene even a lie. Often you will find in his party scenes and in his binge societies a card game as a basic theme. Finally Dimitri Vojnov's work can be summarized as imaginative, bizarre and of intense bright colors - it creates a sense of uneasiness, stirs emotionally and fascinates at the same time. |