Piero Mascetti

1963, Rome
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01. Diamond Smile
Title: 01. Diamond Smile
02. Camale Donna Occidentale
Title: 02. Camale Donna Occidentale
03. Palpitation
Title: 03. Palpitation

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Piero Mascetti was born in Rome in 1963. His painting technique of abstract-informal kind and the original use of colours, strenghtened by an autobiographical involvement and thanks to a firm personality, give him immediately a strong recognition in the roman art environment.
In 1999 he is invited to his first individual exhibition at the rooms of Palazzo Rospigliosi in Zagarolo. He starts a professional national exhibition, attracting critics and collectors.
In 2001, during the exhibition in Palazzo Morpurgo in Trieste, a first film-documentary is shot about his work. In the same year he is among the founders of the artistic movement “Il Gruppo”(The Group), in which he experiments the research for a new pictorical language, presented in Italy at the Palazzo Malaspina in Ascoli Piceno and in Germany at the Forum Gallery in Gelsenkirchen. In 2002 he wins the prize Città di Roma.
He is invited to many exhibitions and awards such as: XIV Quadriennale Nazionale di Roma, Premio Sulmona, Premio Ferrazzi in Sabaudia, Rassegna Nazionale d’Arte in Campomarino, Giffoni Film Festival in Salerno. In the Alitalia for Art project he exposes in the airports of Torino and Athens.
In 2004 he is invited in Bruxelles at the Contrast Gallery. In 2005, at the Palazzo del Senato in Milan, presents the pictorical cycle “Rumori”(Noises), later exposed in Rome in the exhibition “Corpi da strada”(Street bodies) at the Galleria Edarcom Europa.
In 2006 he is invited to take part to the exhibition “Il Segno Contemporaneo Italiano”(The contemporary Italian sign) at the Museo Crocetti in Rome.
In 2007 another documentary is shot about his painting, passed on national tv channels.
In 2008 he takes part in the “Paraboles Exhibition” in Egypt, at the Gezira Art Center in El Cairo and in the Creativity Center of Alessandria D'Egitto, Luxor, Assuan e Kharga. Still in Egypt he represents Italy in the “1st Luxor International Painting Symposium”. When he gets back to Rome he receives the European Personality 2008 award for painting.
From the extraordinary experience lived in Egypt, in contact with artists from every part of the world, rises the “Zep-Tepi” cycle, exposed at the beginning of 2009 at the Studio S in Rome.
In the same year he takes part to the VI Biennale del Libro d'Artista di Cassino, to the exhibition “Acqua”(Water) at the central office of Carige Bank in Rome, and finally, again in Egypt, to the “International Painting Symposium” at the Taaz Palace in El Cairo.
Piero Mascetti lives and works in Rome.